Daniel Mai

Algorithms at the Khan

Today, Pamela Fox over at Khan Academy announced the new algorithms course that the Academy is making available to the world.

This is huge. Not only is this another great resource to learn algorithms, this is made alongside Dartmouth professors. This includes one of the authors of the famous CLRS Introduction to Algorithms book, Tom Cormen. If you had a reason to be skeptical about the quality assurance of the Khan Academy content (which is already great), having the Khan-powered algorithms course being backed by Cormen and his colleague Devin Balkcom should alleviate any doubts.

If I had this and VisuAlgo when I took the Data Structures and Algorithms course at SJSU a year ago, I would’ve been so happy. The resources I had back then to learn the course material was plenty, but I think would’ve spent so much time outside the course with these materials to help me learn.